ONLY PAY IF you have received confirmation email(s) from your Outing Organiser(s).
​If you are paying for several Outings:
Please, please make our Treasurer's life easier by making one payment per Outing
Do not lump them together.
No Outings to pay for as of September
HOW to PAY for an OUTING
HOW to PAY using YOUR bank's BACS transfer:
Make one transfer for the total number of people you named when you made your booking.
Account number: 00819147
Sort Code: 30-99-03
Account name: Thameside Wallingford U3A
Reference: OUTING NAME YOUR SURNAME (no spaces)
Amount: as above
The Reference is of most usefulness to our Treasurer.​
Make out one cheque for the total number of people you named when you made your booking
Make cheque out to: Thameside Wallingford U3A
Amount: as above
Write Reference on the back: OUTING NAME YOUR SURNAME (no spaces)
The Reference is of great importance to our Treasurer.​
Post or deliver your Cheque to:
Tony Fenner
u3a Thameside Treasurer
11 Rumbolds Close
OX10 6NQ​​