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Photography Group Gallery

Updated: 4 April 2024

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APRIL - coming soon - Abstract Images
MARCH - Phone Photos. Illustrating what can be done with a phone, from artistic licence to panoramic.


Pink Shed - Peter Walker

Pink Shed - Peter Walker

Hens in my Kitchen

Hens in my Kitchen

Floating camelia - Rod Sack

Floating camelia - Rod Sack

Panorama - Malcolm Brooks

Panorama - Malcolm Brooks

Vase with flowers - Niall Teskey

Vase with flowers - Niall Teskey

FEBRUARY - Looking Up, Looking Down
Tree at Slade End - Peter Walker

Tree at Slade End - Peter Walker

Looking up - Ian Shipton

Looking up - Ian Shipton

Blue dragon - Rod Sack

Blue dragon - Rod Sack

Flooded pub - Ken Johnstone

Flooded pub - Ken Johnstone

Look down look up - Malcolm Brooks

Look down look up - Malcolm Brooks

Looking in a puddle to see the sky

Cherry tree and moon - Niall Teskey

Cherry tree and moon - Niall Teskey

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