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Scams & Online Fraud
Top Tips

There’s a lot of it about as fraudsters adapt to the current situation…


If you want more in depth advice on all manner of modern Frauds then click for

This free booklet is about staying Safe on the internet. Its written in plain simple english, no whizzy gig graphics!​

It's from a highly recommended website called

Here are 3 excellent publications from the Thames Valley Police (TVP)

They link to the TVP website so you will always see the latest version:  click on the blue links or on the book images to open in a new tab or page. They are all Pdf files, so you can download them. Click on the links in the publications for further advice and how to report Scams.


Do share this page & these publications with everyone & anyone you know would benefit.

Little Tips

Phone Scams: before hanging up, tell them you're not the person they're asking for, you haven’t got a car, computer, house, have no savings.


Tell them you don’t have internet, and don't have a computer.


Whatever they’re interested in, they will lose interest & you’ll get less scam phone calls.

Just say it & hang up.

Don’t ever prolong conversation – they then flag you as available,  possibly lonely & scammable.

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Little tip: When someone forwards you a funny joke or picture, & it displays all the email addresses of everyone who’s ever forwarded it on.

Make sure you strip out all email addresses before forwarding. Consider sending to groups of people as blind copy (Bcc).


Better still don’t forward at all – scammers often start these chain emails aimed at a specific audience with a code embedded in the text or image that sends your data back to the spammer. Or the chain email finally comes to a spammer who gains a rich crop of active emails. Active email lists are sold on for big profit.


And thats when your Spam folder starts to fill up…

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Gloria Hunniford fronts up this book. See what she says in the preface below 

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