Updated: Sept 2024
Thameside Wallingford u3a
is one of the UK’s branches of the University of the Third Age (u3a) and is located in Wallingford, Oxfordshire.
released Thur 5th Sept
We started up 27 years ago in 1997 & currently have nearly 500 lively, friendly and enthusiastic members. Our members are residents of Wallingford & surrounding area who are no longer have full-time work or family responsibilities and wish to remain active & continue to learn during their retirement years. With the bonus of making new friends along the way.
In other words,
of sociably retiring age!
Interest Groups are the heart of the u3a movement. A group of members identify a subject or activity in which they have a common interest and arrange to meet regularly (usually monthly). No qualifications required. Some members have specific knowledge or expertise in a particular subject they are happy to share. Most group meetings are held in members’ homes, this could be the home of the Group Convener or may be rotated among members. Groups who require space and facilities hire community rooms (or pubs!) for which each member pays a small fee.
Look at our Groups page
There are two u3a branches in this area.
The smaller one, Wallingford u3a, is based in Crowmarsh.
We have close links and sometimes reciprocate on events and Outings.
Speakers' Meetings are held monthly to all our members (free - no cost) on a fascinating and wide range of topics organised by our able and far sighted Speakers' Committee.
Look at our Speakers page
for speakers past, present and future.
Outings are arranged by our able Outings Committee usually once a month at a very reasonable cost. Transport by coach is included. Also an annual holiday is organised, usually abroad.
Look at our Outings page to see
where we have been & where we will go next.
Social Events are held annually.
Celebration lunch in January, Garden Party in August, New Members Tea Party, Group Conveners Wine Evening.
Newsletter is sent to all members at start of each month.
Have a look at our Newsletter page.
Coffee Mornings are every month on the first Friday 10:30 am at Wallingford Methodist Church.
Interested in joining us? Come along to meet us, find out more or even apply to join.
See Coffee Morning page for how to find the venue.
photo credit Neil Kelly
Thameside Moderate Walking group briefing before putting best foot forward.
photo credit John le Jeune
Thameside Moderate Walking group visited the the reconstructed Anglo-Saxon house at Long Wittenham. They walked in two groups of 7 and got some sunshine.